Thursday, December 17, 2009


Finally snowed in Stockholm. Winter is here. What a relief. =)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer is almost over

What a bummer that the Swedish summer is at an end.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dating Sites in Sweden

I get fielded a lot of dating sites in Sweden. Here's a list but not all are in Swedish.

Remember to be careful when you date online and always use your best judgement.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Swedish Expat Sites

Looking for sites and communities because you are moving to Sweden or plan on moving to Sweden?

Here are a few great places to check out:

The English-Speaking Swedish Community
- Great place to read a lot of articles about Sweden and find information about jobs and housing

Lost in Sweden - is a forum for Swedes and expats. Good place for bantering.

Community of Sweden - Create a profile and meet new people. If you take photos, you can geotag anything. Pretty cool.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Please go visit Lost in Stockholm

I have moved my blog. If you came here to learn more about Sweden and Swedish life, please go to Lost in Stockholm. You will find lots of information about visiting Sweden, traveling to Sweden, or just dating a sweden.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Learn Swedish

Are you looking to learn some swedish and just have no idea where to start?

Here's a great list of blogs and resources to get started on.

Learn Swedish

How to learn Swedish in 1000 lessons

Intro to Svenska